Our core vision of Engage, Inspire, Empower & Learn is interwoven throughout our teaching and learning experiences.
Motivating children to learn in every lesson, every day.
Developing a thirst for knowledge and building aspirations.
Providing the skills for success at the next phase of education and beyond.
Milefield Primary School is an average sized primary school with 300 pupils on roll. It is a 1.5 form entry school with 3 classes per key stage. There is also a 52-place nursery for children from age 3.
Our school day layout is like this:
Compulsory opening time: 8.45am – Closing time: 3.15pm. A full week of school equates to 32.5 hours.
Nursery(AM) 8.40-11.40am (PM) 12.30-3.30pm.
We are proud to be a member of Hoyland Common Academy Trust. We joined July 2021. They have provided support and training to our staff and ensure the best possible outcomes for all pupils. If you would like more information on HCAT, please see the About Us menu for a link to their homepage.
Our office staff: Miss V Clark and Mrs S Archer would be happy to help with any queries you may have, whether parent or otherwise.
Our SENDCo is Mrs H Jones and SEND Admin Ms D Haslam.
Our Pupil Welfare Leader is Miss L Jones.
Our Executive Head of school is Mrs Trickett; Our Head of school is Mr McClure.