Milefield Primary School are a member school of HCAT. Each school within the trust maintains its unique identity and HCAT strongly believe that excellent schools have excellent leadership and management from within, and a key component of this is governance.

Overarching responsibility lies with the Board of Trustees and they have established Local Committees within each school to govern at individual school level. Click here for the trust Governance Arrangements that outlines the structure and remit of the trust’s members, board of trustees and sub committees.  The Chair of the LC is Peter Bell. Contact can be made via email at:

Milefield Local Committee

Our Local Committee are responsible for providing confident leadership and robust accountability, oversight and assurance for education, staffing and community engagement.

Our Local Committee constitution includes:

– At least 2 parent committee members

– Up to 3 persons co-opted by members of the Local Committee

– Up to 2 persons appointed by the Board of Trustees

Our Register of Business Interest documents any financial interests, affiliations, and potential conflicts of interest of individuals within our Local Committee to ensure transparency.

Please follow link for Members’ register of business interest: Register of business interests 24-25

The Role of the Local Committee

 Effective governance is based on six key features:
– Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
– Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
– People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
– Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
– Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
– Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.

The Local Committee works in partnership with Milefield Primary to support the strategic leadership of the school and ensure the continuation of rapid and sustained improvement. Committee members work effectively with senior leaders to uphold the school vision and core values, ensuring the best possible education and outcomes for pupils.

The 3 core strategic functions of the Local Committee are:
• Ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
• Hold the Headteacher and senior leadership team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• Oversee the financial performance of the school

The term in office for each member is 4 years from 4/10/21 – 3/10/25.

Members’ roles and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Standards & Outcomes
  • Curriculum/ Teaching & Learning
  • Safeguarding, Behaviour & Attendance
  • Pupil Premium & SEND
  • Health & Safety
  • EYFS
  • SMSC & Wellbeing

Our Current LC consists of:

Chair of Committee- Mr Peter Bell (Co-opted)

Peter has a long standing career working in school governance and is currently the School Governance and Alliance Board Service Manager at Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC).

He has been a school governor for over 20 years and is also the Chair of Governors of a local authority maintained primary school in Wakefield. He has recently become a member of BMBC’s Schools’ Forum.

He is contactable via the email address:

Co-opted Committee member – Mrs Sally Bean (Co-opted)

Mrs Bean is a full time teacher in a Barnsley primary school. She trained to be a secondary Science teacher and eventually moved into primary teaching. She now leads ECTs, early reading and Phonics in her current school. She is also member of the governing body at the school. She is contactable via the chair of governor’s email (above) please place FAO Sally Bean in subject.

Co-opted Committee member – Ms Dale Haslam (Co-opted)

Ms Haslam is part of the SEND team across a range of schools in the HCAT trust. She has extensive experience of working with all levels of education and alongside parents and pupils to ensure the best possible SEND provision is  maintained. She is contactable via the chair of governor’s email (above) please place FAO Dale Haslam in subject.


Train to teach