Our paid subscription to Spelling Shed can be accessed here. Your child will have a login and password.
This link will take you to gov.uk for the information in regards to Behaviour and Suspensions.
A fantastic resource with many details for parents/pupils about how to remain safe online.
If you have been a victim of online abuse or are worried about someone, please visit this link and report it.
Our school page on Department for Education about our performance.
As we are a member of Hoyland Common Academy Trust, we work in collaboration with schools across the trust to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.
Help with school costs, curriculum and school attendance.
A link to apply for free school meals for your child.
The user-friendly platform allows you to order milk for your child online.
Follow this link to sign in to your child's account to follow their EYFS learning journey.
Follow this link to find out more about our finances in HCAT including salaries of staff.
Follow this link to pay for trips and school meals.
Follow this link for specific financial information about Milefield Primary School.
TT Rockstars
You can access TTRockStars from home to learn and practise your times tables.