On here, you will find all the information on our Pupil Premium & Sports Premium allocation and spending. All pupils in school are given the same opportunities in all areas of the curriculum. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Mrs Trickett (Executive Head teacher) or Mr McClure (Head of school). See Documents page for the spending plans.
Pupil Premium
At Milefield Primary School, we believe that the highest possible standards can only be achieved by having the highest expectations of all learners. Some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds require additional support; therefore, we will use all the resources available to help them reach their full potential.
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to receive a challenging, exciting, enjoyable, and relevant curriculum. It is our moral duty to enable every child to be prepared for their next stage of life. Our disadvantaged pupils are specifically targeted to ensure that not only do they receive the very best quality first teaching and are targeted further through enhanced provision so that they achieve inline with their peers.
The funding will also be used across a range of different initiatives where it supports the families best in order to secure the best outcomes.
We recognise that all pupils, regardless of their background, should have equal access to a curriculum which will enable them to reach their potential. The pupil premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money to pupils from deprived backgrounds, which, research shows; underachieve, compared to their peers.
The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil, based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals. Looked After Children and those of Armed Service Personnel are also eligible for this increased funding. The Government are not dictating how schools should spend this money, but are clear that schools will need to employ the strategies that they know will support these pupils to increase their attainment, and ‘narrow the gap’ between their attainment and the attainment of other pupils.
The identified barriers and challenges for our children are:
· Poor speaking, listening and communication skills on entry to EYFS
· Historically disadvantaged pupils do not achieve as well as non-disadvantaged pupils
· A large percentage of disadvantaged children, attending school, attitudes to education are poor and the households in which they live have poor aspirations and employment rates are low.
School leaders will be monitoring the impact of the spending plan throughout the academic year through, good or better quality teaching, termly work scrutiny, pupil progress/moderation challenge meetings, as well as monitoring of attendance and strategies to support with input from the Education Welfare Officer. The impact of the monitoring process is then reported to governors termly via the head teachers report. A yearly impact review of the pupil premium spending plan is carried out.
Sports Premium
At Milefield Primary School we firmly believe that sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport is fundamental to developing outcomes for our pupils.
We aim to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:
• develop or add to the PE and sport activities that we offer
•build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.
We welcome the Sports Premium Grant to provide additional funding to improve provision of Physical Education (P.E) and sport in our school. The key areas for consideration are; Physical education, Healthy active lifestyle choices and Competitive sports. We also publish the percentages of Y6 pupils’ swimming abilities annually.