Our school uniform consists of:

– White polo shirt
– Bottle green jumper or cardigan- Grey trousers/shorts or skirt
– Gingham dress
– Black plain shoes




PE kit consists of:

– White plain polo shirt
– Black shorts
– Plain trainers or pumps







No jewellery or denim allowed.
No coloured hair in bright colours and long hair should be tied back.

For embroidered uniform with our logo on you can visit: A and A embroidery.

A free uniform swap shop is usually outside the KS1 doors (near the shelter), if you would like to take anything just speak to a member of staff in the office or Miss Jones. I f you would like support with uniform costs or donations, contact us directly on 01226710329  or 01226663948 or speak to Miss Jones.

If you would like to donate any used or unwanted items, please bring into school and ask to pass on to Miss Jones for the swap shop. We hold events termly outdoors where we have a bring your used and unwanted items and parents can take for the following term/year wherever needed.

Uniform policy

Train to teach